Obliteride is Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center’s annual fundraiser ride/run/walk. I rode in inaugural event in 2013 (as evidenced by the strong Instagram filter), in 2017, right after my Mighty Ai co-founder Matt Bencke was diagnosed with...

Obliteride is Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center’s annual fundraiser ride/run/walk. I rode in inaugural event in 2013 (as evidenced by the strong Instagram filter), in 2017, right after my Mighty Ai co-founder Matt Bencke was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and again in 2018 in his memory.

After two virtual years, the event is back on the streets for its 10th year on August 13, and I’ll be back in the saddle for it.

If you’re in Seattle and want to join the team, DM me. It’s a great time for a great cause.

If you’d like to donate, there’s a link in my bio, and thanks to sponsors 100% of donations go directly towards the Hutch’s cancer research. (at Obliteride)

Chris Cornell - Watching The Wheels (John Lennon cover)

A little twitter thread yesterday turned into a real thing. Back for one last time (or so we say), it’s Cover Friday on tumblr.

This one is a little too obvious for tumblr street cred, but it’s one of my all-time favorite songs, sung by one of my all time favorite voices, and a theme I’ve been thinking about a lot recently.

I’m just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round
I really love to watch them roll
No longer riding on the merry-go-round
I just had to let it go

Hard to believe it’s been 5 years next week since Chris left us.

Can I still post?


Yes, apparently I can still post. 

Cover Friday tomorrow, kids!


Someone at Tumblr is going to be confused by tomorrow’s blip in OG account reactivations.

Tomorrow, I have to say goodbye to Kekrops after nearly 16 years together. Today, we cuddled and shared his favorite meal for dinner. (at Bainbridge Island, Washington)

Tomorrow, I have to say goodbye to Kekrops after nearly 16 years together. Today, we cuddled and shared his favorite meal for dinner. (at Bainbridge Island, Washington)

First and Third Graders (at Ordway Elementary)

First and Third Graders (at Ordway Elementary)

Five years ago, I rode in the first Obliteride in memory of my wife’s dad, who died from pancreatic cancer in 2001, and in support of everyone who has been affected by cancer (which is, sadly, just about everyone in the world).

This year, I find myself riding again.

My friend and co-founder Matt Bencke was recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Matt is an avid cyclist, so our team felt there was no better way to show our support than getting in the saddle together for this event.

If you are able to donate, thank you. 100% of donations go directly toward cancer research at Fred Hutch. 

Lots of my all-time favorite albums have turned 20 and 25 over the past few years, and I’ve never been surprised by the passage of time. High school (class of 1994) and college feel a lifetime or two away, and that music is firmly anchored in that period. 

To hear that Of Montreal’s “Hissing Fauna, Are You The Destroyer?” is turning 10, however, was a shock. This CD has been firmly planted in my car since 2007 and still makes it into rotation fairly regularly (which isn’t as quite as impressive as it sounds: I don’t have any other digital music player in that car, and the rest of my CDs are packed away in a cardboard box somewhere.) 

Such a great album, it takes me back to when the blog music world was fun. I was first introduced to Of Montreal by Fred via some tracks he posted on his AVC blog. Those music posts were also what caused me to join tumblr, build my flash MP3 widget, and lead me to getting to know so many of the awesome folks who have come through these doors since then. 

Turns out this site will be turning 10 this year too. I’m hardly present here any more, and I don’t know how many of you are either, but hello, thank you, it has been too long, and I hope to hear from you again one day soon. 


A few years ago I discovered Flywheel Sports and quickly became obsessed. Being located around the corner from my office, it was easy to hit a class before or after work, or even pop over for a lunchtime ride. I averaged 4 or 5 rides per week that year, was in better shape than I’d been in years, and it was awesome. Sadly, between moving offices and moving out of the city, it became much more difficult to get there, and I fell off the wagon.  

When I first saw the Peloton bike on Kickstarter, I was intrigued, but skeptical. Could they really pull off the in-studio user experience over the internet? Would they even ship the bike and launch the service? Would I stay motivated when the bike was always available, instead of attending classes that I signed up and committed to? I didn’t back the project, but I kept my eye on the company, finally pulled the trigger last April, and the answer has turned out to be a resounding yes to all. The hardware is fantastic, the instructors are all top-notch, and the in-home class experience, with the leaderboard and metrics, are every bit as engaging as Flywheel ever was and as long as I’m at home, fitting a workout into my schedule is never a concern. 

It is also incredibly impressive how far they’ve come in the past year. There is an almost cultish community of 20,000 riders in their official Facebook group. Everyone supports and encourages one another, post their rides stats, milestones and photos, and talk about how much they love their bikes and being part of the “family”. They We even make pilgrimages to the mothership - the Peloton studio in Chelsea where the live classes take place. I went twice during my last trip to NYC, and it was really cool to make the jump from virtual to real, and see the instructors in person. 

I did 100 rides last year, shooting to at least double that this year, and can’t say enough good things about Peloton. If you like indoor cycling, and you’re on the fence about buying one, DO IT, you won’t be sorry. 

My Peloton Year in Review

After seeing Kirk’s many photos of this dish over the years, it was great to finally sit down and share the experience. Excellent fella, excellent eggs. (at Buvette)

After seeing Kirk’s many photos of this dish over the years, it was great to finally sit down and share the experience. Excellent fella, excellent eggs. (at Buvette)

La Sera - Whole Lotta Love (Led Zeppelin Cover)

Haven’t posted a cover Friday in ages, but thought you’d dig this one  @whitneymcn